Heloisa Fleury has been editor-in-chief of the Brazilian Journal of Psychodrama (RBP) since 2012. In this function, she has had the privilege of following the main trends and benchmarks in the development of Brazilian and international Psychodrama. She aims to contribute to new demands from Brazilian society, the scientific world, and new advances in the psychotherapeutic and socio-educational areas, precious for the strengthening of Brazilian Psychodrama.

In addition to presenting the published articles and stimulating the interest of readers, her editorials seek to encourage new reflections of the psychodramatic community.

In 2019, RBP was evaluated A4 (Qualis reference) in the preliminary evaluation of CAPES, a very important advance for the Brazilian psychodramatic community. The Journal is included in the group of better classified scientific journals, ensuring much greater access to the new generation of psychodramatists, undergraduate and graduate students.

In 2021, the Journal entered the largest database in Latin America, the Scielo Brasil.
