

Psychodrama and Neuroscience

This book presents some important findings from neuroscience, which are changing psychotherapeutic practice, and its interactions with Psychodrama foundations and contributions by Rojas-Bermúdez. It addresses the therapeutic relationship and the mechanisms of change from a neuropsychological perspective. The ideas of psychodramatic image, technique of image construction and intermediate and intra-intermediate object are presented, enriched with clinical cases.

Groups: socio-educational intervention and socio-psychodramatic method

This book points out new directions to socio-psychodramatic practice and its application in public policies. It brings reports by several psychodramatists based on socio-educational perspective, exemplifying how intervention allows to expand group participants knowledge and awareness, besides transforming the limits into challenges. One of the chapters is authored by Heloisa Fleury, in which she presents the socio-educational time limited group intervention.


This book presents several Brazilian sociodramas as a tool for social transformation. Some co-authors invite for a reflection on the sociodrama structure, with more theoretical chapters. Others exemplify concrete action presenting different practices, working as reference for students and professionals.

Contemporary group practices

Co-authors are professionals who work in different social activities and have in common the fact of thinking and acting in a questioning way. This reflexive practice allows them to transform human problems, stimulating a fertile conversation with participants. Their role becomes decolonizing, political and spiritual.

Group Interventions Collection

As a board member of the Brazilian Federation of Psychodrama (Febrap), Heloisa Fleury and Marlene Marra identified major changes in Brazilian Psychodrama. In this collection, composed of four volumes, they present interventions of recognized psychodramatists from different Brazilian regions, in new contexts, representing the expanded potential of current Brazilian Psychodrama.


In human rights

This book presents group interventions addressing topics such as sustainable development, promoting citizenship of excluded groups, training for health promoters and child and adolescent rights counselors.

In organizations

This book brings new models of Psychodrama and Sociodrama applied in different organizational contexts, such as enterprises and hospitals. It presents a renewed practice that articulates social, educational and ethical aspects, aiming to prevent problems, stimulate the exchange of ideas and value the competence of each participant as well as the group.

In education

This book presents interventions that focus on issues related to the complexity of social interactions in educational and training practice. It addresses topics such as exclusion and rejection, construction of personal and group identity, construction of citizenship and others linked to the challenges for the democratic occupation of the social space.

In health

This book brings different models of group intervention, having in common the proposal of health promotion, making group relationships a space for transformation. It addresses topics such as social health, parents’ divorce or separation, climacteric, traumatic situations at work, and obesity.